Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And the easiest job award goes to ....

A coroner. Surgery on dead people. What's the worst thing that could happen? If everything went wrong, maybe you'd get a pulse :D :D :D ~ Dennis Miller

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Voices in my head humming the lines of Ogden Nash....

I am gonna inaugurate the blog about my today's visit to the dentist :(. The first time I had ever been to a dentist was around 8 years back for a root canal treatment! That day when I sat on the dentist chair, I could hear voices in my head humming the poem of Ogden Nash....

One thing I like less than most things is sitting in a dentist chair with my mouth wide open. .. And that I will never have to do it again is a hope that I am against hope hopen
.... Because some tortures are physical and some are mental,But the one that is both is dental.It is hard to be self-possessed With your jaw digging into your chest ***

That very minute , I swore to myself that I would brush my teeth after every single meal so that I will never have to be in that chair ....EVER AGAIN IN MY WHOLE LIFE... My exceptional trait is to FORGET whatever resolutions I make! :D .. so the obvious had to happen.. !
I started to develop a cavity , and I had to abide by my promise and so I never went to the dentist. Which could've gotten over with a simple filling , got more and more deep and now here I am , back to square 1 , sitting in dentist chair getting the root canal treatment done once againnnnn!!! Again today I vouch to myself to brush my teeth after every single meal .. drink ... and after everything and anything that can tamper my tooth :D ..

I sincerely hope I keep my words alive :D
